Fun Foam Stamps Part 2

When I left off, I had just crafted some great stamps made out of fun foam from the dollar store glued onto cardboard. The leaf shape and the circle shapes proved the concept, but after I saw how they stamped, I knew I needed to make some geometric background patterns. I started out with some strips cut on my paper cutter--half inch and quarter inch. I glued them carefully onto cardboard--eyeballing them as parallel as possible (hey, the end result will look imperfect even if I measure, so why not, right?). Next up, the ever popular chevron. I tried just free-hand cutting the shapes, but they were very uneven. I thought for sure I'd have to measure or print out a pattern...then I had a pretty genius idea (ok, just clever, not really genius). I cut my long narrow rectangle shape, folded it in half, then cut at an angle. I then made cuts at the same angle about the same distance apart (again, I eye balled it because I'm impatient and ...