3D Printed Travel Toothbrush Case

There have been fewer 3D printing projects shared on here lately. It isn't because we've grown bored with our printer . It's been because it's been acting up. All spring and summer we've been trouble shooting the darn thing. Hubby eventually decided to replace the extruder , and a bit of tweaking later, and we seem to be back in business. I was looking for a simple project to get us back into printing and to make sure everything was working and I found this great little toothbrush case . I set it to standard resolution (.2) and 100% infil as the designer recommends and printed it in black PLA . It took about 50 minutes to print. The print came out pretty cleanly. Just a little bit of stringiness that I had to clean up. It worked well enough that I immediately printed a second one. I think this quick little print will probably get a lot of use. I'm so glad we're back to 3D printing!