Alcohol Ink DIY Shrinky Dinks

I've made a few crafts over the years with shrink plastic , but I'm too cheap to buy the stuff in the store, so I make my own. I collect #6 plastic from bakery and deli containers, wash it off and save it for projects. I've even used alcohol ink on shrink plastic before , but that time, I waited until after the plastic had shrunk to ink it. I had always been curious if you could ink it before shrinking--so I set out to find out! I was especially excited when I took the lid off the container holding my twice baked potatoes from the grocery store. For one, I got to eat delicious potatoes with my supper, but I was doubly excited when I found that the lid of the container was #6 plastic...AND...they accidentally put two lids on the container! It's funny the things crafters get excited about. So I rinsed off the plastic and cut out the flat center of the lid. You can shrink the ruffled/fluted edges too, but it's much harder to decorate and to get it to loo...