Alcohol Ink Glass Gems: Plastic Wrap Application

A couple of weeks ago I finally got the plastic wrap alcohol ink application to work on a ceramic tile . Ever since, I've been trying to figure out how else I could use that method of application. So I thought I'd try it on the most popular alcohol ink project on the website: glass gems . To decorate the gems you'll need: clear glass gems /flat marbles plastic wrap alcohol ink (I used ranger inks ) table covering (I used craft mats ) aluminum foil tape if making necklaces: glue on bails and cording I started out by laying a sheet of plastic wrap onto my work surface and then squirting several colors of ink all over. It's ok (actually better) if the plastic wrap isn't smoothed out during this process. I then placed my glass gems flat side down onto the ink wherever the colors looked interesting. And that's it. I carefully slide the whole works over to the corner of my table to dry for a day. The next day, the ink had...