
Showing posts from May, 2020

Alcohol Ink Deathly Hallows Ceramic Bowl

A couple of weeks ago , I cut a bunch of vinyl decals into a holographic silver vinyl. I've been trying to think of uses for them ever since. I got these white ceramic bowls from Big Lots a while back and I've been   inking them , so I had the idea to do a monochromatic ink design as a background to some of my shiny new decals. I started out with some Pinata Black and a bit of rubbing alcohol squirted into the bowl. None of my pictures of the thinned ink turned out very well, but you get the idea. I swirled the thinned ink around the bowl to try to get a good background coverage of the inside of the bowl. Then I used a little canned air to finish spreading it around and drying it off. Then I added layers of other monochromatic colors on top. I added some Pinata White and some Ranger Pitch Black and blew them around with the canned air . I continued to layer the black and white and some Ranger Silver and blow it around until I liked t...

Dripped Alcohol Ink on White Coffee Mugs

Last year, I bought some plain white mugs from Big Lots and I've had some fun figuring out new ways to ink them. My first project was a beachy drip project where I used aqua alcohol ink and rubbing alcohol to thin it and make it look like water. My second mug project used the plastic wrap method of ink application. As I was digging through my craft stash, I found another pair of mugs and decided to revisit the drip technique from my first project but with some shades of purple. So I got out my craft mat , three shades of purple alcohol ink  ( purple twilight , eggplant , and passion purple ), and some gold ink . I also grabbed a small jar with a little bit of rubbing alcohol and a pipette. I started by drip/drawing a line of ink onto my mug and turning the mug to allow the ink to run and dry as I went. I connected the line so that it made a ring all the way around the mug. I turned the mug to try to connect the lines of  ink as they flowed around th...

Spray Painted Galaxy Tray with Vinyl Decal

Sometimes a craft takes a long and winding road to get to a finish line. This craft begins over  a year ago when I went to the local Goodwill Outlet  and brought home a pile of junk (I try not to go often because I always bring home a pile of junk--some of it is awesome junk--but it's still junk). So, I started out with this lovely tin duck tray. At the store it looked sturdy, mostly un-dented, fairly light (it's pay by weight), and kinda ugly. Which is a perfect recipe for a thrift makeover. I figured I'd spray paint it a solid color. So I picked out this hammered steel spray paint. I figured the texture of the paint would hide any little blemishes or scratches. If you're curious, this lovely duck tray was brought to you by Avon. High class as always. So I sprayed it evenly with this lovely hammered paint. The surface came out perfectly. The only problem--I had just painted it to look like a pizza pan. I never used it. It languished for months...

Making and Applying Decals with the Silhouette Cameo: A Success and a Failure

Whenever I have a craft failure, my husband is always telling me to post about the failures. He's right. It's important for readers to see how mistakes get made and what not to do. So this week, I'm writing about how I made a whole bunch of decals and how the planned project for this week, came apart at the tape (so to speak). I was cleaning out a closet (seems like everyone is doing that these days) and I found an old drink flavor container (generic Crystal Light from back when they came in these round canisters). They are a nice size for storing things and the labels come off easily, so I decided I needed to make something fun out of it. Since we're having some great spray paint weather (70 and low humidity) I decided to try ombre painting again . This time I decided to go from dark purple to magenta. I started out with the darker shades of purple on the bottom of the container, spraying in light passes around sides. Then I sprayed a reddis...