Easter Wreath

I took down my three St. Patrick's Day decorations (Hubby and I aren't Irish, so it's no big to-do around here) and put up my Easter decorations this week. Most of my decorations were purchased during the short time that I worked at Wal-mart (between college and Grad School) about 10 years ago. I have upgraded my Easter baskets since then, but I have a bunch of tired plastic eggs and plastic grass that I was getting sick of unpacking each year, so when I saw this adorable idea , I knew it was time re-purpose some of the old decor into something new and fabulous. The only new thing I had to buy for this project was some cute Easter ribbon (that was half off at JoAnn's for $1.99 for the roll, and I still have enough left to make another smaller bow). For this project you will need: two 12 inch rounds of cardboard (I used an old cardboard box) 42-46 plastic Easter eggs a bag of plastic grass hot glue gun and glue (be sure to have about 10 sticks on h...