Popsicle Stick Button Snowflakes

Last week I made some cute Christmas tree ornaments with my stash of popsicle/craft sticks , this week I'm making some button snowflakes. Last year I made some starburst ornaments using a similar method, but this time, instead of decorating my sticks with paint and glitter, I used a hot glue gun and buttons. I started with 4 popsicle/craft sticks. Glue them into a starburst buy layering them and putting down a drop of hot glue (or you cute use white glue or wood glue too). Next I grabbed my box of white buttons. My mom rescued these lovelies from my Grandma's house when she moved into an apartment and got rid of most of her stuff. My mom was nice enough to gift them to me (yay cool old buttons!). There are all kinds of buttons in this box, but I saved the real mother of pearl buttons for another project and focused on different sizes and shapes of white and off white plastic buttons. I glued a larger button in the center and then alternated size...