As Seen on Pinterest: DIY Label Remover

A while back I tried a DIY Pin for removing that stubborn glue residue leftover from labels. It called for equal parts cooking oil and baking soda made into a paste, spread over area and let it sit for 10 minutes, scrub off, and you'll be clean as a whistle.

So I made my paste with some canola oil and baking soda.

I spread it over my bottle, and let it sit for 10 minutes.  After 10 minutes I came back and started rubbing it off with a cloth, but I noticed from the small corner that I started wiping away, that it wasn't working, so I spread some of the excess paste back over that spot and let it sit for another 10 minutes, then I came back and scrubbed off the paste and rinsed off the bottle.

It was less gunky, but it was not clean--not even close. So I took my bottle back to the sink and cranked my water to hot.  I grabbed a scrub brush and I used a bit of elbow grease along with my hot water to try and get it clean.

After the hot water and elbow grease, it was sparkling clean. Unfortunately I can't rate this DIY with a conclusive pass or fail. The paste may have helped, it might not have. I read on another tutorial to leave the paste for 30 minutes, and I need to test a control (a bottle that I just try to clean with very hot water and lots of scrubbing) to see if the paste makes any difference. When I have another bottle/jar to clean, I'll update the rating. For now, it's rated: Fail?

If you've tried this DIY a different way and had success, let me know in the comments.


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