Washer Necklaces
I knew I had to try these washer necklaces as soon as I saw them. It turned out to be a great quick and easy project.
Here's what you'll need:
Washers (yep, from the hardware store)
scrapbook paper
Mod Podge (and a brush for application)
a craft knife and cutting surface
fine sandpaper and/or emery board
Dimensional Magic or Paper Glaze or other similar glue
leather cording or ribbon
After you've chosen your scrapbook paper, use the washer as a guide to trace around with a craft knife (or trace around with a pencil and cut out with a scissors--but the craft knife was a bit faster and got a closer cut).
Next, apply Mod Podge to the fronts of the washers and carefully place the paper rings onto the washers. Make sure the edges are glued securely by running your glue brush along the edge of the washer after the paper is securely placed.
After the glue has dried, use sandpaper or an emery board to smooth out any not-so-perfect edges or any paper that hangs slightly over the edge. I wrapped the sandpaper around the handle of the craft knife to smooth out the center of the washers.
Next up is the finishing touch on the washers. Put a coat of clear glue like Paper Glaze, Dimensional Magic, or Diamond Glaze on over the top of the paper to give it a varnished almost resin-like finish.
For the large washers I went around the surface of the washer twice to fully coat the surface. The picture below shows the washers with one ring of glue.
When you've applied enough glue, then use the tip of the glue applicator or a toothpick to smooth out the glue and to work out any bubbles.
The glue takes overnight to dry to a clear finish. Then you can use ribbons or leather cording to create your necklace.
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