Alcohol Ink on Plastic Easter Eggs

Some people dye real eggs every Easter, I dye plastic ones. I have tried most methods of putting alcohol ink on plastic Easter eggs. So this year, I opted to just play around with a paint brush and see what happened.

I laid down my craft mat and a few plastic Easter eggs. I opted to use Piñata inks for this project because they are highly saturated in color and run less than other inks.

I used some cheap synthetic paint brushes and a plastic palette for the inks. I opened the eggs so they could rest on their flat open surface. Then I just painted on color. I found it worked best to cover the egg in a wash of color (which goes a bit faster if you drop a couple of drips of rubbing alcohol into the ink) and then ad other colors over top to create patterns.

To give you an idea of how the original egg color affects inking, I spread the same color (blue violet) onto a blue and light green egg. You can see that the color looks very different.

I used the larger flat brush to rotate similar colors around the two eggs to give it a base color, then I came back with a smaller brush and some other ink colors (and sometimes just rubbing alcohol) to create patterns.

Once I was fairly happy with the coverage and pattern of inks, I let them dry.

I came back and closed the eggs up after they were dry to the touch and put them in a little Easter basket. I love coming up with new ways to ink eggs each year!



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