As Seen on Pinterest: Baking Soda and Peroxide Nail Whitener

I've been wanting to test this pin for quite some time.  With the fall in full force and a week with flurries and highs in the 30s forecasted next week, I knew it was time to try to lighten my toe nails after a summer of wearing polish.  I've been polish-less for a week or two, and this year wasn't too bad.  It's just one big toe that's really discolored, the rest came out ok.  So I found the pin for whitening nails: Mix 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with 2 1/4 tablespoons of baking soda.  Stir into paste and let sit on nails for 5 minutes.

So to start off with I was a bit skeptical because I don't know what a 1/4 tablespoon is, but I estimated and did my best.  I mixed my tablespoon of peroxide with 2 and a little extra tablespoons of baking soda and stirred it into a paste.

I massaged the paste onto my nails and made a nice big mess. It gets all over your hands and quickly turns back into a powder, so be sure to try this in the kitchen or bathroom where it's easy to clean up.

I let the paste sit for a little longer than 5 minutes for good measure--I think it ended up being about 8 minutes. I hobbled into the bathtub and scrubbed my toes off.  The paste comes off easily, but then I buffed them off.  I think this paste would work as a great gently abrasive way to clean your nails, but it didn't really whiten mine at all.

Just to prove it, I included some gross looking photos of my discolored toenail. You're welcome internet. The top one does look a smidge darker, but that could be the lighting, my toes look no different in person. At any rate, the pin says it will make your nails white--it didn't, so I have to rate this one as a fail.

Let me know if the comments if you had luck with this pin, and I can try again--because I'd love to see that nail look a little less discolored. 


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