Don't Hurry Be Happy Sloth Tile Sign

A few weeks ago, I made a ceramic tile sign combining alcohol ink with a decal cut on my old Silhouette Cameo. It turned out so well, that I made another.

When I made my last ceramic tile sign, I cut out a few different patterns out of the black vinyl to fill the 12-inch square cutting mat. Today's design was based on one that I found while doing some Googling. I found a similar design and then decided to make my own version of it. I found a free (for personal use) clipart sloth and layered the text over top of it in the Silhouette Design Studio. I cut it using standard vinyl settings and cut the designs apart from each other with scissors.

I removed the excess vinyl with a weeding tool and set aside the vinyl.

Then I pulled out my alcohol ink supplies and a 6-inch ceramic tile (picked up at the hardware store). I wanted the sloth to look like he was up in the trees so I selected a couple of shades of bright green and sky blue alcohol inks to cover the tile.

I started out with some blue ink and some rubbing alcohol on the tile to get a base of color.

I used a hand bulb blower to move the ink around the tile.

I layered my green and blue inks onto the tile until it was filled with color.

I let the ink dry for about an hour and then put a couple of light coats of Kamar Varnish on the ink to seal it. 

After the Kamar Varnish had set, I got out my decal and a piece of transfer tape.

I applied the transfer tape to the decal and rubbed it down with the handle of my weeding tool. Then I peeled off the paper backing from the vinyl decal.

I carefully applied the decal to the tile with the transfer tape. Then I rubbed down the decal again with the handle of my weeding tool to make sure all the pieces stick well to the tile.

Then I peeled it back from the decal to reveal the design. This is always my favorite part of working with vinyl. In one moment you reveal whether your design and plan have worked.


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